
Find the car for you

Latest vehicles in inventory

We offer a large variety of brand-new vehicles from brands such as Toyota, Mitsubishi and BMW.

Toyota RAV4 XLE Hybrid 2.5L 2024 Black

2024 Automatic Hybrid Petrol
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You got the market, we got the keys

At CarandX we’re reshaping the way cars are distributed and sold globally by opening up the car sales business to ambitious traders everywhere.

Our elite traders across the globe bring the world’s best new cars directly from factories from all parts of the world to buyers from Africa, China, the Americas, and the Middle East, primarily.

We hand-pick traders with valuable knowledge of their local markets in order to deliver brand-new cars of specific models and builds straight to their customers.

We offer traders attractive prices on export vehicles and punctual distribution anywhere in the world.

We’re here to change the global automobile industry. We’re here to do business.

Inventory About us

Accelerate your business

Procuring cars across the globe, we offer traders a unique opportunity. To grow their business by gaining access to vehicles and prices only attainable for the select few.

Our traders offer valuable local knowledge. We offer more than 25 years of global expertise. And together, we master the ever-growing demand for leading-edge cars and punctual distribution.

Port to port, it’s a beneficial partnership for all.